Skrypt logowania [php]
Poniższy kod demonstruje jak zaimplementować kod logowania, bazując na cookies, używając kodowania md5. Skrypt nie jest mój.
Oto kod:
* Login
* ------------------------------
* Filename: login.php
* Project: Uzzisoft - PHP Simple Member System
* By: Alejandro(Alex) Iannuzzi
* Company: Uzzi Soft
* Copyright: (C) 2004 Uzzi Soft - Ceski Iannuzzi
* Website:
* Email:
* License: Freeware
* Version:
* Build Date: 2004-05-10
* If you find bugs/errors/anything else you would like to point to out
* to us please feel free to contact us.
* What it does:
* Allows the user to log into the system
* How it does it:
* Checks if there is a cookie present. Gets username and password that
* came from login.html file. Checks if they are empty. MD5's the username
* and password. [We can't use connect.php right now since there is no
* cookie at all] It then validates the user. We get the MySQL time
* and make a new cookie.
* Check if there is a cookie now. If there is verify the user. [Sometimes
* there will be no cookie created straight away so we have to make it so
* the user can log in with a cookie or no cookie in this page]
* Get the users information and print that out to a table.
* Check how many people are online right now. Check if user is on the
* list. If they are not then add them to the users that are online and
* print the users that are online. If user is alreadly on list then
* just print the list.
// If there is no cookie presesnt
if (!isset($_COOKIE['cookie_info'])) {
// Variables that data come from the form
$username = $_POST["user"];
$password = $_POST["pass"];
// Check if username and password where submitted
if (!$username) {
echo "Please enter username"; exit;
if (!$password) {
echo "Please enter password"; exit;
// Use Connect Script
// MD5 Username and Password
$username = MD5($username);
$password = MD5($password);
// Check if username exists. If not then say no such username.
$issuchusername = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$username'");
$usernamelogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchusername);
// If username exists
if ($usernamelogin == 1) {
$issuchpassword = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$username' AND userpass = '$password'");
$passwordlogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchpassword);
// If password is correct
if ($passwordlogin == 1) {
$time = time();
$cookie_data = $username.'-'.$password;
if(setcookie ("cookie_info",$cookie_data, $time+3600)==TRUE) {
else {
echo "You computer does not support cookies. <BR> To view other pages after logged in you need to have cookies enabled.<BR>";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
// End if no cookie present
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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function FP_swapImg() {//v1.0
var doc=document,args=arguments,elm,n; doc.$imgSwaps=new Array(); for(n=2; n<args.length;
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return null;
// -->
<body onload="FP_preloadImgs(/*url*/'buttonA.jpg',/*url*/'button9.jpg',/*url*/'buttonD.jpg',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')">
<a href="login.html">
<img border="0" id="img1" src="button8.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Login" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button9.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button8.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'buttonA.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button9.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Glass Rectangle 1; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Login"></a>
<a href="createuser.html">
<img border="0" id="img2" src="buttonB.jpg" height="20" width="127" alt="Create New User" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonB.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonD.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Glass Rectangle 1; fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Create New User"></a><p><br>
// Use Connect Script
// Use cookie and Extract the cookie data (Username and Password)
$cookie_info = explode("-", $_COOKIE['cookie_info']);
$namecookie = $cookie_info[0];
$passcookie = $cookie_info[1];
if (!isset($_COOKIE['cookie_info'])) {
$namecookie = $_POST["user"];
$passcookie = $_POST["pass"];
// MD5 Username and Password
$namecookie = MD5($namecookie);
$passcookie = MD5($passcookie);
// Check if username exists. If not then say no such username.
$issuchusername = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie'");
$usernamelogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchusername);
// If username exists
if ($usernamelogin == 1) {
$issuchpassword = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie' AND userpass = '$passcookie'");
$passwordlogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchpassword);
// If password is correct
if ($passwordlogin == 1) {
// User is now logged in, display details of user
// Get details of user from Database and put them in variables
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie'");
$nameuser = mysql_result($query,0,13);
$name = mysql_result($query,0,2);
$address = mysql_result($query,0,3);
$suburb = mysql_result($query,0,4);
$state = mysql_result($query,0,5);
$postcode = mysql_result($query,0,6);
$phone1 = mysql_result($query,0,7);
$phone2 = mysql_result($query,0,8);
$emailaddress = mysql_result($query,0,9);
$joineddate = mysql_result($query,0,10);
echo "<B>Welcome $nameuser <BR>You are now Logged in</B><BR><BR>";
<form action="updateuser.php" method="POST">
// Make the table displaying details of user and a update and reset button
echo "
<table border='0' width='100%' id='table1' height='300'>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Username:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$nameuser </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Name:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$name </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Address:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$address </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Suburb/City:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$suburb </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>State:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$state </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Postcode:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$postcode </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Phone #1:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$phone1 </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Phone #2:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$phone2 </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Email Address:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$emailaddress </font> </td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Joined Date:</font></td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$joineddate </font></td>
<a href="login.php">
<img border="0" id="img6" src="button2.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Login Home" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button3.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button2.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button4.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button3.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5" fp-title="Login Home"></a>
<a href="updateuser.php">
<img border="0" id="img3" src="button18.jpg" height="20" width="122" alt="Update my Details" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button19.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button18.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button1A.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button19.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Update my Details"></a>
<a href="changepassword.php">
<img border="0" id="img4" src="button1C.jpg" height="20" width="142" alt="Change my Password" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1D.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1C.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1E.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1D.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Change my Password"></a>
<a href="logout.php">
<img border="0" id="img5" src="button1F.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Logout" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button20.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button1F.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button21.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button20.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Logout"></a><p><br>
// Check how many people are online
// Grab the number of people online now
$numberofpeopleonlinecount = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$numberofpplonline = mysql_num_rows($numberofpeopleonlinecount);
// Check if user is on online list
$isthisuseronline = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline WHERE username = '$nameuser'");
$isuseronline = mysql_num_rows($isthisuseronline);
// If user is not on list then add them
if ($isuseronline == 0) {
echo "Adding User to online user list<BR>";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersonline VALUES ('$nameuser')");
// Print the number of users online
$numberofpeopleonlinecount = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$numberofpplonline = mysql_num_rows($numberofpeopleonlinecount);
echo "Current Users Online: ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofpplonline; $i++) {
$isonlinequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$useronline = mysql_result($isonlinequery,$i,0);
// Print current username gotten from i
echo "$useronline ";
// Get all users online
else {
// Print the number of users online
echo "Current Users Online: ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofpplonline; $i++) {
$isonlinequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$useronline = mysql_result($isonlinequery,$i,0);
// Print current username gotten from i
echo "$useronline ";
// Print the number of users online
echo "<BR> There are $numberofpplonline Users Online <BR>";
// If user and password are not correct print error message
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
// End Login
* Login
* ------------------------------
* Filename: login.php
* Project: Uzzisoft - PHP Simple Member System
* By: Alejandro(Alex) Iannuzzi
* Company: Uzzi Soft
* Copyright: (C) 2004 Uzzi Soft - Ceski Iannuzzi
* Website:
* Email:
* License: Freeware
* Version:
* Build Date: 2004-05-10
* If you find bugs/errors/anything else you would like to point to out
* to us please feel free to contact us.
* What it does:
* Allows the user to log into the system
* How it does it:
* Checks if there is a cookie present. Gets username and password that
* came from login.html file. Checks if they are empty. MD5's the username
* and password. [We can't use connect.php right now since there is no
* cookie at all] It then validates the user. We get the MySQL time
* and make a new cookie.
* Check if there is a cookie now. If there is verify the user. [Sometimes
* there will be no cookie created straight away so we have to make it so
* the user can log in with a cookie or no cookie in this page]
* Get the users information and print that out to a table.
* Check how many people are online right now. Check if user is on the
* list. If they are not then add them to the users that are online and
* print the users that are online. If user is alreadly on list then
* just print the list.
// If there is no cookie presesnt
if (!isset($_COOKIE['cookie_info'])) {
// Variables that data come from the form
$username = $_POST["user"];
$password = $_POST["pass"];
// Check if username and password where submitted
if (!$username) {
echo "Please enter username"; exit;
if (!$password) {
echo "Please enter password"; exit;
// Use Connect Script
// MD5 Username and Password
$username = MD5($username);
$password = MD5($password);
// Check if username exists. If not then say no such username.
$issuchusername = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$username'");
$usernamelogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchusername);
// If username exists
if ($usernamelogin == 1) {
$issuchpassword = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$username' AND userpass = '$password'");
$passwordlogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchpassword);
// If password is correct
if ($passwordlogin == 1) {
$time = time();
$cookie_data = $username.'-'.$password;
if(setcookie ("cookie_info",$cookie_data, $time+3600)==TRUE) {
else {
echo "You computer does not support cookies. <BR> To view other pages after logged in you need to have cookies enabled.<BR>";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
// End if no cookie present
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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function FP_swapImg() {//v1.0
var doc=document,args=arguments,elm,n; doc.$imgSwaps=new Array(); for(n=2; n<args.length;
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for(m=0; m<els.length; m++){ el=FP_getObjectByID(id,els[n]); if(el) return el; } }
return null;
// -->
<body onload="FP_preloadImgs(/*url*/'buttonA.jpg',/*url*/'button9.jpg',/*url*/'buttonD.jpg',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')">
<a href="login.html">
<img border="0" id="img1" src="button8.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Login" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button9.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button8.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'buttonA.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img1',/*url*/'button9.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Glass Rectangle 1; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Login"></a>
<a href="createuser.html">
<img border="0" id="img2" src="buttonB.jpg" height="20" width="127" alt="Create New User" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonB.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonD.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img2',/*url*/'buttonC.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Glass Rectangle 1; fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Create New User"></a><p><br>
// Use Connect Script
// Use cookie and Extract the cookie data (Username and Password)
$cookie_info = explode("-", $_COOKIE['cookie_info']);
$namecookie = $cookie_info[0];
$passcookie = $cookie_info[1];
if (!isset($_COOKIE['cookie_info'])) {
$namecookie = $_POST["user"];
$passcookie = $_POST["pass"];
// MD5 Username and Password
$namecookie = MD5($namecookie);
$passcookie = MD5($passcookie);
// Check if username exists. If not then say no such username.
$issuchusername = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie'");
$usernamelogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchusername);
// If username exists
if ($usernamelogin == 1) {
$issuchpassword = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie' AND userpass = '$passcookie'");
$passwordlogin = mysql_num_rows($issuchpassword);
// If password is correct
if ($passwordlogin == 1) {
// User is now logged in, display details of user
// Get details of user from Database and put them in variables
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM userdata WHERE userid = '$namecookie'");
$nameuser = mysql_result($query,0,13);
$name = mysql_result($query,0,2);
$address = mysql_result($query,0,3);
$suburb = mysql_result($query,0,4);
$state = mysql_result($query,0,5);
$postcode = mysql_result($query,0,6);
$phone1 = mysql_result($query,0,7);
$phone2 = mysql_result($query,0,8);
$emailaddress = mysql_result($query,0,9);
$joineddate = mysql_result($query,0,10);
echo "<B>Welcome $nameuser <BR>You are now Logged in</B><BR><BR>";
<form action="updateuser.php" method="POST">
// Make the table displaying details of user and a update and reset button
echo "
<table border='0' width='100%' id='table1' height='300'>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Username:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$nameuser </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Name:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$name </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Address:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$address </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Suburb/City:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$suburb </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>State:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$state </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Postcode:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$postcode </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Phone #1:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$phone1 </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Phone #2:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$phone2 </font></td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Email Address:</td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$emailaddress </font> </td>
<td width='115'><font face='Tahoma'>Joined Date:</font></td>
<td> <font face='Tahoma'>$joineddate </font></td>
<a href="login.php">
<img border="0" id="img6" src="button2.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Login Home" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button3.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button2.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button4.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img6',/*url*/'button3.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5" fp-title="Login Home"></a>
<a href="updateuser.php">
<img border="0" id="img3" src="button18.jpg" height="20" width="122" alt="Update my Details" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button19.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button18.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button1A.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img3',/*url*/'button19.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Update my Details"></a>
<a href="changepassword.php">
<img border="0" id="img4" src="button1C.jpg" height="20" width="142" alt="Change my Password" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1D.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1C.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1E.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img4',/*url*/'button1D.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Change my Password"></a>
<a href="logout.php">
<img border="0" id="img5" src="button1F.jpg" height="20" width="100" alt="Logout" onmouseover="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button20.jpg')" onmouseout="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button1F.jpg')" onmousedown="FP_swapImg(1,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button21.jpg')" onmouseup="FP_swapImg(0,0,/*id*/'img5',/*url*/'button20.jpg')" fp-style="fp-btn: Soft Capsule 5; fp-proportional: 0" fp-title="Logout"></a><p><br>
// Check how many people are online
// Grab the number of people online now
$numberofpeopleonlinecount = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$numberofpplonline = mysql_num_rows($numberofpeopleonlinecount);
// Check if user is on online list
$isthisuseronline = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline WHERE username = '$nameuser'");
$isuseronline = mysql_num_rows($isthisuseronline);
// If user is not on list then add them
if ($isuseronline == 0) {
echo "Adding User to online user list<BR>";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersonline VALUES ('$nameuser')");
// Print the number of users online
$numberofpeopleonlinecount = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$numberofpplonline = mysql_num_rows($numberofpeopleonlinecount);
echo "Current Users Online: ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofpplonline; $i++) {
$isonlinequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$useronline = mysql_result($isonlinequery,$i,0);
// Print current username gotten from i
echo "$useronline ";
// Get all users online
else {
// Print the number of users online
echo "Current Users Online: ";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numberofpplonline; $i++) {
$isonlinequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersonline");
$useronline = mysql_result($isonlinequery,$i,0);
// Print current username gotten from i
echo "$useronline ";
// Print the number of users online
echo "<BR> There are $numberofpplonline Users Online <BR>";
// If user and password are not correct print error message
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
else {
echo "Incorrect username/password";
// End Login
Dodano przez: ceski Ranga: 0 Punktów: 0
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